Rails 3.2.x - cannot set up font-face on localhost


New Member
Whole day I am trying to set up to work \[code\]@font-face\[/code\] on localhost. Here's my setup:\[code\]application.rb\[/code\] and \[code\]development.rb\[/code\]:\[code\]config.assets.paths << "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/fonts"\[/code\]In CSS:\[code\]@font-face { font-family: 'my_font'; src: asset-url('font_name.eot', font); src: asset-url('font_name.eot?#iefix', font) format('embedded-opentype'), asset-url('font_name.woff', font) format('woff'), asset-url('font_name.ttf', font) format('truetype'), asset-url('font_name.svg#AndrogyneMedium', font) format('svg'); }\[/code\]I've tried also to precompile assets:\[code\]bundle exec rake assets:precompile\[/code\]I've tried also couple times to restart app, but nothing didn't help me.Could anyone give me any advice, how to fix it?Thank you in advance.