RadScheduleView not displaying a “ _ ” character in the title


New Member
Hello Guys I am using Telerik Rad Controls, Silverlight. I am using RadScheduleView in the TimelineViewDefinitionI am assigning a title with all the characters like "@!#$%^()_+=" on the frontend, and when I run it I can see all the characters except " _ " does anyone know about it, is this something telerik have to fix. Below is the code, can anyone please help me out please. \[code\] <telerik:RadScheduleView Grid.Row="1" Margin="5,5,5,5" Name="scheduleViewScenario" ToolTipTemplate="{x:Null}" ShowDialog="ScheduleViewScenario_ShowDialog"<NavigationHeaderVisibility="Visible"> <telerik:RadScheduleView.ViewDefinitions> <telerik:TimelineViewDefinition VisibleDays="540" TimerulerMajorTickStringFormat="{}{0:MM}" TimerulerGroupStringFormat="{}{0:yyyy}" TimerulerMinorTickStringFormat="{}{0:dd}" ShowTimeRuler="True" MinorTickLength="1month" MajorTickLength="1month" StretchGroupHeaders="True" Title="@!#$%^()_+= _ _ _ T_E_S_T_K_K_B_" GroupTickLength="Auto" > </telerik:TimelineViewDefinition> </telerik:RadScheduleView.ViewDefinitions> </telerik:RadScheduleView>\[/code\]Expecting result to be @!#$%^()_+= _ _ _ T_E_S_T_K_K_B_Actual result @!#$%^()+= TESTKKB" _ " is completely missing like it was not entered.can anyone please help me out please. Thank you very much