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I have a \[code\]radiobuttonlist\[/code\] I change the selected item in \[code\]codebehid\[/code\] \[code\]private void DisplayPrivacyTerms(long ImageId){ if (ImageryDataAccess.GetImagePrivacyTerm(ImageId).ToLower() == "me only") { RadioButtonListPrivacy.Items[0].Selected = true; } if (ImageryDataAccess.GetImagePrivacyTerm(ImageId).ToLower() == "friends") { RadioButtonListPrivacy.Items[1].Selected = true; } if (ImageryDataAccess.GetImagePrivacyTerm(ImageId).ToLower() == "public") { RadioButtonListPrivacy.Items[2].Selected = true; }}\[/code\]when the selected item is changed the above way, then later \[code\]postback\[/code\] to the server triggers the \[code\]selectedindexchanged\[/code\] event.
Especially I have \[code\]listview\[/code\] which displays \[code\]imagebuttons\[/code\]. When I click the imagebutton in the \[code\]listview\[/code\] and if the selected item is changed then the later click on imagebutton triggers the \[code\]selectedinexchanged\[/code\] event of \[code\]radiobuttonlist\[/code\]..
why is this happening I don't expect this will trigger this event..
Especially I have \[code\]listview\[/code\] which displays \[code\]imagebuttons\[/code\]. When I click the imagebutton in the \[code\]listview\[/code\] and if the selected item is changed then the later click on imagebutton triggers the \[code\]selectedinexchanged\[/code\] event of \[code\]radiobuttonlist\[/code\]..
why is this happening I don't expect this will trigger this event..