"Quotes" Issue


I am having trouble writing text to a sql server 200 db using asp that contains a quotation mark. How can I handle this so that I can send the data in and, eventually, get it out as a quotation mark?

Thanks~you may replace it with a cod like *qm* and when you get the data from the user you might use replace (can remember the exact name right now) function to replace ?'s to *qm* and write it to db and then when you need to display them again by using replace function you can convert *qm* to ?s it might me a long proccess but many devolopers use this because of security.Ok, so we have the following from the form:

Request.Form.Item("some_input") = "Hi. I just read "War and Peace" and it was good."

Please take me through the steps of getting this into and out of the db with your method.

Thanks~just do this:

insert into tableName values ('Hi. I just read "War and Peace" and it was good.')

should work