Quotes in SQL Statements...


New Member
I used record Tables in ASP sometimes to avoid having to Replace the quotes in Form fields. In .net, can I input Form fields into and SQL statement without having to parse the field for quotes or will I have to use Data Tables?<BR><BR>-ToddCheck out this article:<BR>http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/092601-1.shtml<BR><BR>Using parameterized queries (which are also available in classic ASP, BTW) make life a lot easier when working with dynamic SQL statements... :)<BR><BR>Happy Programming!Scott,<BR><BR>Thanks for the advice - this is exactly what I have been looking for.<BR><BR>ToddScott,<BR><BR>I looked over the document you informed me about. The code for ASP.Net looks a lot easier than the code for Classic ASP. Is there an easy way to produce the same code is Classic ASP?<BR><BR>-ToddHere's a small piece of sample code that I refer to occasionally when I need to use the ADO Command Object...<BR><BR> http://www.flws.com.au/showusyourcode/codeLib/code/ADOCommand.asp?catID=3Check out the FM Stocks 2000 sample application, the DBHelper class functions can be easily ported to VBS or compiled as an independant component.<BR><BR>They provide incredibly usefull abstractions.<BR><BR>-A