

I have been learning ASP.NET and have book after book and am doing quite well at learning it, but there is on ething I would like to know that is not in any book...

I program in other languages, so I understand the principle of passing data to parantheses for seperate functions...

What does this mean and how do i choose the right ones????

sub some_Name(sender As Object, e As ImageClickEventArgs)

I have noticed there are differetn ones for images, database conns, button clicks etc etc. I want to knwo if there is an idiots guide to knowing what they mean (e.g. what does it mean by "e As ImageClickEventArgs"), what is the 'e' for???

THanks in advance...standard objects have some common stuff. All events have the format of

sender as Object,e as EventArgs

notice that all events have the same structure. sender is teh reference to the object that caused the event. EventArgs is inherited by all different types of objects. It uses this because its a base method to start from and you can extend it.