quick question

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://rapbattle.com/testpage">http://rapbattle.com/testpage</a><!-- m --><br />
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as you can see there is a table aligned all the way to the right......everything worked fine until by mistake while highlighting i moved the mouse to much and text scattered all over, i try to recover it as much as i could....and fixed alot of things but im stuck on this for the past hour.....<br />
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can someone view my source and tell me how to get this table aligned to the left again, undernearth 'the cratez'......<br />
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thanks in advance.....<!--content-->was starting to look through your HTML, but now I have to go so maybe I'll take a look at it latter, one thing I noticed though (nothing to do with your problem) was the double <head> tags, i'm not sure if you can do this, but the reason your title isnt showing up is that it is in your second set of <head> tags, not your first. (at least im pretty sure that's why)<!--content-->I would suggest running the source through a HTML validator like the one at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://validator.w3.org">http://validator.w3.org</a><!-- m -->. may be worth startig this page over. Make another page, put your table in, then past your content over from the first page. There were several code problems on the first page. A couple unclosed tags, extra head tags etc.<br />
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One of the things I like to do, especially when I don't want my content resized based on browser size. Is have the entire page sit in a one cell table with a fixed pizel width. Then I make my tables and coding within the master table.<!--content-->Kman, is right on the dot. Making a master table containing all the tables of content within is one of the best ways of coding. This keeps everything easy to edit and align, ect. You should try this and keep the page you have incase you do not like it, hell what do you have to loose, you have some of the smartest coders on the net in this here forum :D<!--content-->