quick question


New Member
is it possible to set as default the post text of admins to a set colour so that when they post members can see just by the colour of the post text they are a admin for example

Admins posts are written in blue
Normal members posts are writen in default skin colour

using vb3.8.0

thanks for any help and advice :)
Quick answer:
I dont think it is but it easy enough to just wrap admin/mods text in color bbcode from the editor dd.
arr didnt want to ask the board moderators and admins to have to do that everytime they posted to be honest, was looking for a way that the forum could do it auto by a addon or maybe a little code alteration.

Thanks for the reply tho :)
Actually ther is a template mod just come out that might do what you want, I can't remember the name if it but will try to find out for you.

What it does is allows you to set post layouts and members choose from a dd in the editor.
again it means having to hit a button in the editor but hey its not really that hard or time consuming...lol
chaotic_geo said:
This is easily done with some vBulletin conditionals in the postbit template.


Great shout!

In postbit and postbit_legacy templates find:

Replace with:
<if condition="$post['usergroupid'] == 6"><span style="color:red;"></if>


<if condition="$post['usergroupid'] == 6"></span></if>

change color to your preference and change 6 to what ever group you want to this to affect
6 = Admin
5 = sMods
7 = Mods

lol you beat me to it.....:)

Though I would say use span and not font ;)