Quick Question For The Php + Flash Geeks


What I'm doing, is building an entire flash site to replace my current HTML site (Since I have just so fallen in love with Flash). But, I do have a question, and I can't find the answer anywhere:<br /><br />Would it be possible to call a PHP page within a Flash movie, and get the PHP to prcoess properly? The reason being, the only thing on my site that's flash, is my weblog, it's fully PHP based, and I wanna intergrate it into the Flash site...but I am worried it might not run the PHP script, or worse yet, just throw the PHP source up onto the page.<br /><br />Any help, and or advice where to find this info, or how to do it, would be appreciated.<br /><br />Oh, and in case it matters, I'm doing this is Flash MX 2004 Pro<!--content-->
Try this article at Macromedia <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/mx/flash/articles/amfphp.html" target="_blank">AMFPHP</a> which would show you how to connect to a PHP backend using a Flash frontend.<br /><br />Dennis<!--content-->