quick Question about ablosute links with production website

my company currently has a website up.

I am redesigning it in .net 2.0.

the new domain is currently "mydomainname.servername.com", when we switch the domain name to the new server it will be "mydomainname.com".

this causes a problem for my absolute paths. im thinking i could create and application variable that equals "hhtp://mydomainname.servername.com" and when i go live make it "http://mydomainname.com".

does that make sense? is there a more realistic way of doing this?

i just want to have everything work during production and after it goes live.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

thanks :)Why don't you just use one of the existing variables like Request.ApplicationPath to build the URL's instead of making your own. That way you can move the app as often as you like and you don't have to worry about changing code.