Queue System Farm questions


New Member
Until now, we haven't really needed to implement a queue system in our infrastructure, but now we need some features that cannot be done thru cron jobs (too slow).Our infrastructure is LAMP (PHP) with some NoSQL.I have looked at Gearman and it seems to be perfect for our needs. I know Digg uses it, as well as Yahoo so it must be reliable.
  • Is there any management tools that will automatically start a worker when it dies, or when new tasks are created?
  • How do you handle multiple projects under one same infrastructure (project A has 5 tasks, project B has 10, project C has 1)
  • Is there a way to do periodic tasks easily?
I've seen Celery and it looks good but It seems like it's only for AMQP (Or for RabbbitMQ only) but it's in python, and I haven't found much info on whether you can use non-python tasks. Thank you