questions between nulled and license


New Member
Hey there,

I am currently running a nulled version of vbulletin but as my site is getting rather official now i will eventually give in to jellysoft. (I will still support this community and help give you mods etc).

Now when i update to a license version will all my nulled mods still work? or am i going to have to buy the bloody things!

And when i have a license will my mods be more looked into. Last thing i want is Vbseo finding out im running a nulled version due to me doing the right thing by jellybellysoft.

Anyway while im talking Thanks everyone VBTEAM and members that give us struggling a chance to get on our feet before we can do the right thing. Haha and those who will always be sneaky nulled in the shadows!

Goodluck and thanks!