questions about transfering domain


New Member
I am so confused...
I am changing hosts: I have already changed nameservers to new ones, uploaded website. It is running fine. BUt I am still getting emails from the new host that they can't transfer my domain because it is locked. They suggest me to push the registrar to send my domain to some other account, so they will have control. The domain registrar is totally different company - I never hosted with them. I quess my ex-hosting company registed my domain with them.
1. Why should I transfer the domain if my website is already running?
2. Why should I transfer the domain to some other account?
3. Who shold I contact about unlocking - the ex-host, or actual registrar?
4. Could I be in control of my domain?

You can tell I am new at this. I would appreciate all help I can get. Thanks!