

This is just a small scale of what the table looks like. <br />
<br />
Monday TuesdayWednesday <br />
1:00 (text) (text) (text) <br />
2:00 <br />
3:00 <br />
|Submit| <br />
(text) stands for an editable region where text is placed. Lets pretend that the user put Taken under Monday at 1:00. Then they hit submit. Now the table looks like this. <br />
<br />
Monday Tuesday Wednesday <br />
1:00 Taken (text) (text) <br />
2:00 <br />
3:00 <br />
|Submit| <br />
Now 1:00 on Monday is a noneditable region. Does anybody know i can go about doing this?????<!--content-->Have a play with the READONLY and DISABLED attributes.<br />
They do different things, so see which one suits.<br />
<input type="text" readonly><br />
<inout type="text" disabled><!--content-->I tried that but whenever i made it readonly they couldn't put text in and the disabled didnt really do anything. I figure there has to be like a variable to make it read only once text has been placed in the text box.<!--content-->are you submitting to a database? so you want to disable the field once someone enters text in it. well you could check for text and if there is some, you could make it so it just displays a regulare text field instead of a textbox.<br />
<br />
something like this. thisi is php by the way<br />
<br />
if ($var == ""){<br />
echo"<input type=text name=var value=\"\">";<br />
exit;<br />
}else{<br />
echo $var;<br />
}<br />
<br />
something like that could work for perl as well.<!--content-->Umm i put that in but it didn't work?<!--content-->well that was for php and if you are working on perl it will have to be changed slightly.<!--content-->I don't know how to use perl or php or anything like that. My table is at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> I have been told that geocities doesn't support anything really so i am moving it to f2s or Xoasis but i don't really know how and where to input the code needed.<!--content-->I tried that but whenever i made it readonly they couldn't put text in and the disabled didnt really do anything. I figure there has to be like a variable to make it read only once text has been placed in the text box.<br />
<br />
<br />
Well, that's what I'd expect from the readonly attribute.<br />
I thought they were submitting this to a database of some sort? If that's the case then you need to add the readonly attribute when you generate the html.<br />
<br />
You could set readonly when the user leaves the field by using onblur="this.readOnly=true" but I wouldn't recommend it.<!--content-->I don't htink you will accomplish this task without using a script of some kind. As F2S, I would reconsider, they are really slow....<!--content-->