

I don't know if this message has to go here. I'm tired of looking all over the net. I have a intranet at my house I'm running a Webserver at my house, why? I don't know just to learn stuff I guess. Anyways, I want to know with what and how I can make it possible.


How can I input information in a Web Page and all the data will be save on a excel program?

For example...

Let say I have a website


What is your name? *the user type his name*
What is your age? *the user type his age*
What do you like? *the user type in what does he like*


all that information has to go to a excel file .....

Excel Program

Name ***** Age ***** Like
*user* ***** *AGE* ***** *I like*


:ppossible only to serverside programming. depending on what server and Os you have depends on what serverside language you should use. more than likely it will be ASP, but you never know. I myslef have never saved into excel but I know it is possibleCan you give me like a site or something go gain more information about ASP?

if you have a site that teach you how to work with ASP that would be nice.

But thanx for the informtion I apreciated.