Question with passing XML to a target ASP


Staff member
In my project I build an XML string in an ASP from parameters a user inputs.I then want the XML from the user input to go to a ASP target file thatinstantiates a class object I have built in VB. I would do this in ASP butI would like it precompiled. Anyway, I am attempting to pass the XML toanother ASP target file that basically instantiates a XML class... The targetfile code appears as:<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %><!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/includes/errHandler.asp" --><% Response.ExpiresAbsolute = "1/1/1980"set oExport = Server.CreateObject("myExport.clsExport")oExport.CreateLog=trueoExport.ProcessXMLset oExport = nothing%>How do I pass my XML string from the ASP page that builds it and then callthe target ASP that instantiates my object? Sorry for the long email andthanks in advance.