Question regarding frames


Hello,<br />
<br />
I am building a page with frames. I have thumbnails of pictures in one of the frames, and when clicked, they open the full size photo in the same frame. What I want to do is, when the thumbnail is clicked and the full size photo is displayed, I also want there to be some text displayed in a different frame, describing the photo. Is there a way to simply output text to a frame when the thumbnail is clicked, or at least display a prepared page with the text into the frame by using HTML. <br />
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Thanks<br />
Moclab<!--content-->Create an array of different messages relative to each image.<br />
In the function where you change the image,pass the apropriate index for the image related message ,<br />
for e.g text messages array is <br />
var msgArr = new Array();<br />
<br />
now create a div tag in the page that is being displayed in the frame<br />
<br />
<div id="msgDiv"></div><br />
<br />
now you can referrence this div from the function where you change image<br />
<br />
parent.frameName.document.getELementById("msgDiv").innerHTML = msgArr[index];<br />
<br />
this will print the message in the frame<!--content-->