Question on picking names


New Member
I dunno whether this is the right place for this, but here goes:

So my JC design site seems prematurely done to me, and I'm thinking of kicking it up a notch. Besides having a new layout/flash movie in the works, I'm gonna be changing names. And what I seemed to like best are "Design Tactics" or "Tactical Designs". Something to do with tactics or strategy.

Unfortunately, the former is already taken by a legitimate web company, and the latter might confuse some since it also relates to a game company. (pity, since I had some cool slogans planned for it :) It's pretty old, though, so do you think it's OK to go with Tactical Designs?

I have another approach: re-spelling the name, resulting in making it sound more cool and unique, like Designtactik. Will I be at the potential of stealing an already registered company name with this idea?