question on frames


Hi all,<br />
I am using frames in my webpage but the problem is when I am opening a html page in the bottom frame from a link in the top frame, the location bar of the window does not show the current address but it always shows the address of the page where the frames are defined...How can I correct this. DO i have to go for the javascript?<br />
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Any help would be appreciated.<br />
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SJ<!--content-->this is a side effect of using frames, some people like it, some do not. The reason for this is as follows:<br />
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The Frameset is a container that holds other defined containers: individual frames. Though you may change the individual content of the frames, the frameset itself has not changed in location... therefore shows the same address.<!--content-->so, can we use javascript's "window.location" to update the address bar whenever we load a page. But then again, to get the address, I have to go to "Request.Servervariables("path_info")" in the VB script....I seriously doubt if it is going to work...What do u say?<!--content-->As far as I know, SJ, that's the way frames work. About the only way around it is not to use frames.<br />
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You can keep the coding to a minimum in two ways. Create a blank page to use as a template and "Save As" rather than "Save" when you add new information. <br />
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Or, we have an SSI tutorial floating around here somewhere. I'll see if I can find it. But that would work, too, for keeping your code to a minimum without changing the look of the page.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->I haven't found a way to manipulate the address in the address bar. Sure, you can get the value using scripting (vbscript/ javascript)... but can you actually change the value?<br />
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BTW, window.location doesn't update the address bar, the browser takes care of that. Window.location sets the LOCATION... or changes it. <br />
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There is an inherent security risk when you say: your on this address (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) but in reality your on (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->).<!--content-->