Question on common fonts


Does anybody know the common fonts most people are likely to have -- or where I can find a list? Thanx in advance. Judy :)<!--content-->no problem! most viewers like to see arial, veranda, times, and helvatica. usually the arial and times are installed on everyones system, and from an earlier thread related to font styles... i belive Arial took the gold!<br />
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hope it helps!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->....and don't be fooled into thinking that the massively overused 'comic sans' serif is as common as everyone would tell you. <br />
It's certainly not the case for non-windows users.<br />
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What I occasionally do - if I need a good looking font that isn't standard - is create a graphic of that font using photoshop or whatever.<br />
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Then include the graphic in the <img> tag<!--content-->Thanx for your prompt reply, PixelMonkey :) However, I see now I should have elaborated more... my question should have been: how many fonts can I get away with using that most people are likely to have so they won't see it on my Website as their default font? Somebody gave me this list likely to be installed on most computers: ***Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Book Antiqua, Bookman Old Style, Calisto MT, Century Gothic, Comic Sans MS, Copperplate, Gothic Bold, Copperplate, Gothic Light, Courier New, Garamond, Impact, Lucida Console, Lucida Handwriting, Lucida Sans, Unicode, Marlett, Monotype Sorts, Ms Outlook, Mt Extra, OCR A Extended, Symbol, Tahoma, Tempus Sans ITC, Times New Roman, Verdana, Webdings, Westminster, Wingdings*** but I have no clue if the claim is true and/or if there are other fonts not on the list that are common. At this particular time I have a need for a script font (other than Lucida). Thanx again for any help, Judy<!--content-->Beware the ides of Micro$oft.<br />
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Most of your list of fonts don't come with Linux.<br />
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d.<!--content-->Another good option is embedded your fonts, check out the webmonkey tutorial on this:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... rial2.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->