Question mark in DB, unknown language


New Member
I get some text from remote website, and I don't know in what language he is. Default EN, GR, RU.\[code\]var UpJoDes = new Regex(@"<td[^>]*>\s*(?<upd>[^*]+)</td>);exstra01 = UpJoDes.Match(html_GetInfo).Groups["upd"].Value.Trim();\[/code\]If I add \[code\]exstra01\[/code\] to label I can read them in any language.If I add to \[code\]*.mdf\[/code\] + linq\[code\]srs_info_db newsrs = new srs_info_db{ exstra01 = exstra01.Trim()};db.srs_info_dbs.InsertOnSubmit(newsrs);\[/code\]I can see only question mark in my DB.Problem only with GR & RU. English working perfect.DB created by default "add new item *.mdf in VS2010"\[code\]Regex varchar(MAX);\[/code\]