Question about source security


How can I prevent visitors to my website from viewing the source code on a particular page. Or even block part of the code from viewers? Im using Frontpage2002. Thanx for your help!<!--content-->There are ways to try to do this...most don't work too well. In my opinion, just share it.<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->i'd say there's been quite a few htmlforum posts regarding this subject. so search htmlforums. i think most, if not all, conclusions came to: either it's not possible or it's very inefficient.<!--content-->not possible.<br />
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what is so important that you have to hide part of the code on only 1 page? did you find a new way to code and you don't want to share :P<br />
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if it is that important then don't put it on the web.<!--content-->Yup, that is right. There is no way to hide your source. Users can always just turn JavaScript off, or go to View > Source. And if you find a way to beat that they could always Download <!--more--> it as a file and open it in a text editor, or use a command prompt get protocol utility, that outputs it all in plain text format. Alike you I did spend much time trying to protect source, but I did get over it after a while, as I didn't really care if anyone stole it.<!--content-->What is so importiant that you don't want people to see, or is it so importiant you won't tell me?<!--content-->