I came across a website that was optimized by a company and I do not understand what a lot of this information is. This looks like good SEO tricks that I would like to learn about. Does anyone have any advice or good web sites that I (or anyone on the forum) can go to and learn about this technique?
Here is some of the META source from the web site:
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Beautiful hair bows, baby headbands, infant and baby hair bows and hair accessories for your little girl!">
<META NAME="revisit-after" content="3 days">
<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index,follow"><link rel="schema.dc" href=http://www.webdevforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://dublincore.org/2002/08/13/dces">
<meta name="dc.title" lang="en" content="Blooming Bows--Hair bows, Baby Headbands, Baby Hair Bows and hair accessories for your little girl!">
<meta name="dc.subject" lang="en" content="hair bows, baby hair bows, baby headbands, baby hair, hair accessories, comfortable fabric, clippies headbands, blooming bows hair, hair accessories bows, original line, hair bows barrettes clippies, beautiful hair bows, hair accessories bows build, photo gallery, sweet set, pony hair, perfect touch, blooming bows, baby bows, size charts, clippies pony, clippie hair, barrette hair, headband hair, beautiful hair, satin flower clippies, each hair bow, infant headbands, each hair">
<meta name="dc.description" lang="en" content="Beautiful hair bows, baby headbands, infant and baby hair bows and hair accessories for your little girl!">
<meta name="dc.identifier" content="http://www.bloomingbows.com">
<meta name="dc.creator" content="Blooming Bows INc">
<meta name="dc.contributor" content="metamend.com">
I know what the keyword and title META tags are, but what is the rest like: robots, revist-after, dc.creator, ...etc.?
Here is some of the META source from the web site:
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Beautiful hair bows, baby headbands, infant and baby hair bows and hair accessories for your little girl!">
<META NAME="revisit-after" content="3 days">
<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index,follow"><link rel="schema.dc" href=http://www.webdevforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://dublincore.org/2002/08/13/dces">
<meta name="dc.title" lang="en" content="Blooming Bows--Hair bows, Baby Headbands, Baby Hair Bows and hair accessories for your little girl!">
<meta name="dc.subject" lang="en" content="hair bows, baby hair bows, baby headbands, baby hair, hair accessories, comfortable fabric, clippies headbands, blooming bows hair, hair accessories bows, original line, hair bows barrettes clippies, beautiful hair bows, hair accessories bows build, photo gallery, sweet set, pony hair, perfect touch, blooming bows, baby bows, size charts, clippies pony, clippie hair, barrette hair, headband hair, beautiful hair, satin flower clippies, each hair bow, infant headbands, each hair">
<meta name="dc.description" lang="en" content="Beautiful hair bows, baby headbands, infant and baby hair bows and hair accessories for your little girl!">
<meta name="dc.identifier" content="http://www.bloomingbows.com">
<meta name="dc.creator" content="Blooming Bows INc">
<meta name="dc.contributor" content="metamend.com">
I know what the keyword and title META tags are, but what is the rest like: robots, revist-after, dc.creator, ...etc.?