question about mailto function


hi this is the second day ive ever even looked at HTML and i had a question. lets say i have a web page with a form on it and at the bottom it has a send button. when they click the send button is there a way where they dont have to do anything else like type in the e-mail and then send it but is there a way to put the contents from the form into the e-mail and have it sent right when they click the send button? thanx for your time.<!--content-->Your best bet is to use php.<!--content--><!--content-->I believe I've done that with something like:<br />
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<form name="x" action="mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Some%20Subject" method="post" enc-type="text/plain"><br />
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I'm sure something's wrong in that since it's stream of conciousness code but it a starting point.<!--content-->Like you, my experience is limited and I also posted the same question you have. Pyro's link to the PHP mailer is great...give it a go, it wasn't the nightmare that you may imagine. Just remember to host on a server that supports PHP!!<br />
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It's really easy.....try it!<!--content-->Originally posted by screaming_banjo <br />
Like you, my experience is limited and I also posted the same question you have. Pyro's link to the PHP mailer is great...give it a go, it wasn't the nightmare that you may imagine. Just remember to host on a server that supports PHP!!<br />
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It's really easy.....try it! <br />
IFF you have PHP available.<!--content-->