Question about mailto button


Quick question. Is there an easy way to have someone fill out a form (say, filling in their name) and then clicking on a submit button that sends them to another webpage, but sending their information to an email address at the same time? All I keep getting is either another window opening up with my email account opened to "composing a new message" to the email address attached to the button.<br />
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Can anyone help me? <br />
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Z<!--content-->Sorry dude, but you're going to need a server side language. No way around it. Perl, PHP, and ASP are all options for you, but you need to find out what your host supports. If nothing is supported by your host, then switch hosts! (But seriously, you can look around, there are a bunch of people who ofer form handling support, but your visitors have to deal with ads.) Once you find out what, if any, support you have, you can figure it out.<!--content-->