question about layers interferring with each other


Hi,<br />
I have 2 layers, each with an image inside them. They have z indexes of 1 and 2. Layer 1 has some dreamweaver behavious attached to it, so that when the user rolls over it the second layer appears ( which is hidden by default) and when the mouse rolls out it disappears. There is also a goto URL attached to both of them so it acts like a button.<br />
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The problem is is that when the 2 layers are directly over each other it doesnt work properly, the 2nd layer appears, but flashes when the mouse is move, and the goto URL doesnt work. It does however work if the two layers are not directly over each other,<br />
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does anyone know what the problem is here and how to resolve it?<br />
thanks a lot<!--content-->People could make a better guess at this if we could see the page - is it online somewhere we can see?<br />
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But at a guess, it sounds like you have a layer 1, and when you put the mouse somewhere over it, you now see a layer 2. Which is great, except that once layer 2 pops up in front of layer 1, the mouse is no longer technically over layer 1 and so layer 2 has to disappear. At which point, your mouse is again over layer 1, so layer 2 appears, and then the cycle repeats endlessly hence the flashing...<!--content-->thanks for the reply,<br />
the page is not actually online at the moment, but I will attempt to put it on a server soon.<br />
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what you said makes sense, I think that must be exactly whats happening,<br />
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the question is how do I get around this?<br />
thanks a lot in advance<!--content-->thanks got it working, just changed the mouse out behaviour to apply to the 2nd layer,<br />
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what I need now is a way to make the cursor change to a hand when the mouse rolls over it abnd also is it possible to have text appear when the mouse rolls over like the alt tag?<br />
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how can this be done?<br />
thanks a lot<!--content-->