Question about index page.


I have been looking around the net for an answer to my question but haven't been able to find it.. that is why I am here. It is a simple problem. <br />
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How do I make an "index page" (see image below) that acts like an ftp but can be seen by the public?<br />
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Thx for your help,<br />
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-Joe<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->would just not having an "index.html" file work?<!--content-->If that is the case I guess I wouldn't be able to do what I'm thinking about. I want to keep the existing site but have a section dedicated to images and media based files that you can click a link to access..<!--content-->Just create a new directory folder and put all the media files and images in it. Then goto the location of the file, ie. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, and all the contents of the folder will be shown like your screen shot.<!--content-->Great, I'll try that.<br />
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Thx<br />
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-Joe<!--content-->...well I just did that and it is not allowing access to outside viewers... <br />
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"Forbidden<br />
You don't have permission to access /Reflection0/ on this server.<br />
":(<!--content-->try changing the access restriction of the file, the default for my files is 755.<br />
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To do that, open up your ftp client and right click on the file. There's usually something like "Setting atributes" or "Access restrictions" or something along those lines.<!--content-->A lot of hosts disable the Folder view in order to stop hackers browsing around the directory structure. With the feature disabled you have to know the name of the folder and file in advance, before you can access it.<!--content-->