Question about Editing HTML pages


Hi. If I upload my HTML pages using Notepad, if I want to edit them, do I have to upload them every time with the new changes or is there a way to edit them when alreayd uploaded?<!--content-->If I upload my HTML pages using Notepad<br />
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I'm pretty sure you can't do that. I think you mean edit them in Notepad and upload them.<br />
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And to answer your question, you must upload your page each time you make a new change.<!--content-->damn these slow connections! that's what i was gonna say! :P<!--content-->Depending on your host, your host may have a way you can edit and save your pages online, but then you'd have to make sure you backed up your site everytime you made changes.<br />
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I find it's better to work offline, upload the changes, and then I don't have to back up my site.<br />
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Either way you'll have to upload, Download <!--more--> or take a chance at losing it all.<!--content-->Yeah, you most likely will have to upload each time, but that is simply for your benefit. As mentioned above, if your computer crapped the bed, and everything was on it, you would lose everything. But this way, it is all on the host. May take a little longer now, but very helpful in the long run.<!--content-->also going on what Hue said it also works the other way around...say you are using a certian web host and you decide to change host's later on....if you have everything on your computer and dont have to Download <!--more--> it all just move on to the next host and upload everything to the folders they need to go to..personally the way my files are on my site is exactly how they are on my computer that way all i would have to do if i changed is just upload the folders (using my ftp program so i can upload folders and all and not have to make new folders) and presto it's done and everything should work as normal :D<!--content-->