Hello,My website is http://www.jnbsilver.com first of all please let me know if any optimisation has to be done. I need your expert advice.I have PR2 now, and my PR prediction showed me PR5. This prediction was done when googlebot last cached me on 13th July.Last 7 days i have been adding lots of PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8 links and got backlinks from them too.Now googlebot cached my site again on 28th July all my placings have gone down. I dropped by atleast 10 steps down in google result page.Please let me know what should i do.I recently reworked my index page again today 31st July 2005.I need your advice.chouNickyI would think it will take several updates before you see the PR change to 5 or 6. your position change is probably because of loosing back links. i have notices i lost 130 back links because of all the international DMOZ directories for some reason were dropped. only thing that gets me is each directory i checked that said no link to source(me) had a link to me. so maybe in another 4- 5 months i will see a big jump again as a rule of thumb if your position changes its because of back links being dropped or your competitors are optimizing there pages or you have more competition entering the playing field....good luck...Thanks for your sugesstion.How do i know that all my backlinks are working?Is there any tool to check whether my links are exisisting in the link partners page.