Query to search parts of a text field


Staff member
Hello all,

Hopefully someone can help me figure out this small query problem I'm having. I'm in the process of building an app designed to search a classified ads database. The search is being executed against a text field containing a list of keywords, the query comes from a text field filled in by the user.

Current situtation:

The input from the text box is exploded to produce and array of search words. This array is looped through to produce the following query:

SELECT ad_id FROM table_name WHERE keywords LIKE '%$element[0]%' OR keywords LIKE '%element[1]%'........ etc.

Now this works fine and extracts all matching records like you'd expect. What I'd like to do is modify this query to create a count of the number of search words matched, then order by that count and group on the ad_id field (the table's primary key). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to accomplish this so a seaches on the words "spot" and "dog" and "spot", "is", and "dog" excuted against a record of "spot is a white dog with black spots" both give a count of 1. Any ideas how to modify this query? Thanx for any help and Season's Greetings to all!!


Geoff A. Virgo