Query String not working


New Member
I am new to Entity Framework Model. I am making a shopping cart like website where the user can select a category of products and then clicking on any one of the product category link, the next page displays the products in the corresponding category. I am using Entity Data Model and Query Strings. My code is as folloing:\[code\] <asp:EntityDataSource ID="EDS_ProductsByCategory" runat="server" AutoGenerateWhereClause="True" ConnectionString="name=CommerceEntity" DefaultContainerName="CommerceEntity" EntitySetName="Products"><WhereParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CategoryId" QueryStringField="CatID" Type="String" /> </WhereParameters></asp:EntityDataSource>\[/code\]The problems is that the page is displaying all the products irrespective of the product category. When the query string is categoryID=1 or categoryID=2, it displays the same list of products, i.e, all products. I followed the tutorial on http://www.asp.net/web-forms/tutorials/tailspin-spyworks/tailspin-spyworks-part-1 to achieve what I want. Please help me, I think I am making a small mistake. Thanks in advance.