Query notation for the sitecore 'source' field in template builder


New Member
I am trying to set the the source field of a template using the query notation (or xpath - whichever works), but none of them seems to be working.My content tree is a multisite content tree:\[code\]France--Page 1----Page1A-------Page1AA--Page 2--Page 3--METADATA----RegionsUS--Page 1----Page1A-------Page1AA--Page 2--Page 3--METADATA----Regions\[/code\]Each site has its own METADATA folder, and I want it so that when adding a page inside each of the main country nodes, I want the values to reflect whatever is in the METADATA of that site. I have two different fields for now - a droplink and a treelistex field. So I thought I can just get the parent item that is a country site, and get the metadata folder for that. When I put the following query in both the fields, I get different results:\[code\] query:./ancestor::*[@@templatename='CountryHome']/METADATA/Regions/*\[/code\]
  • For the droplink field, I get only the first Region (one item)
  • For the treelistex field, I get the entire content tree
I then tried to modify the query a little bit and took the 'query' notation out\[code\] ./ancestor::*[@@templatename='CountryHome']/METADATA/Regions/*\[/code\]If I go to the developer center/xpath builder, and set the context node to any item underneath the main country site, it returns me exactly what I need, but when I put this in the source, I get the entire content tree in both the cases.Help!