Hi All,
Thanks for your interest in my problem.
I've posted a page with the problem:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.behost.com/db/db2.htm">http://www.behost.com/db/db2.htm</a><!-- m -->
DB is MYSQL and i use PHP4..
BTW can you recomment some good Mysql books?
To learn query forming.
I allready have Mysql from new riders...
Kind regards,
Thanks for your interest in my problem.
I've posted a page with the problem:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.behost.com/db/db2.htm">http://www.behost.com/db/db2.htm</a><!-- m -->
DB is MYSQL and i use PHP4..
BTW can you recomment some good Mysql books?
To learn query forming.
I allready have Mysql from new riders...
Kind regards,