query failure with new host


Staff member
I just uploaded all of my php stuff for a website to a new host (phpwebhosting.com). However when i try to query my database i get this error:

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/ivode/www/exposure/index.php on line 79

Well I know I am connected to the database correctly (i have a failure check in it) so here is the code around line 79. See any problems? I am new to php and mysql as of 2 days ago so any help would be appreciated.

$sql = "SELECT imageName, fileName, imageDesc, userID, imageID, imageWidth, imageHeight FROM tblUserImage ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1,1";
$rs = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($rs);
list($imageName, $fileName, $imageDesc, $userID, $imageID, $mainImageWidth, $mainImageHeight)=$row;