Q: most common key words used in search engines


New Member
Hi, is there a way to find out which are the most common key words used to search something in particular sphere. To be more precise for instance I want to find out which are the most common words used by people, looking for job and examples of job interviews.Here are a few suggestions:1. Download and install the GoogleBar - when you type in a search term, it will show you the number of results, which is usually a pretty good indicator of the term's popularity. (This functionality exists in Firefox - I'm not sure about IE.)2. Overture - I don't have much experience with this one, but I see it recommended a lot for keyword research.3. Wordtracker - this is a paid service, but you can buy a one-day subscription for around $8.00 (US), and it usually last for around three days. Very good for obtaining current keyword data, as well as related keywords.HTH,SamMy Advice: If you were looking for a job or examples of job interviews - what would you type into a search engine.That would be the place to start finding the search strings. There are many scripts out there that claim to accurately do all this - however each of them provide varied results ( although should give a rough estimate on popularity etc).The question shouldn't really be what people type when searching for things - but what will search engines return when those terms are typed...." the accuracy of a search term is determined by the accuracy of the search engine, not the user "(Ganceann 19/04/06 )People,Type in your name and then 'needs' eg. John NeedsFunny stuffinto google search engine that islamemaster - there are several tools to do what you want to do. Some of them you have to pay for, and some are free.Of the ones you pay for, Wordtracker is probably best known. Although it is quite expensive, you can just buy just one day of usage, which is only a few dollars. This allows you to research keyword terms; find out how often they are searched for and how much competition there is for that term.Keyword Discovery http://www.keyworddiscovery.com/ is another keyword research tool - also expensive, but very good, but you have to subscribe.Overture is great because it is free and also because they have region specific keyword research toolshttp://inventory.uk.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/is the UK one.http://www.123promotion.co.uk/ppc/index.php is also useful and free. It seems to be a wrapper around overture and wordtracker.Hope this helps.Hi Byzantium,Thanks for the tip on 123promotion.co.uk - I'd never heard of them before. Do you have any idea how they're acquiring the Wordtracker data? I'm curious to know...SamYou can also check out the tools at http://www.nichebot.com.Webfreedom - sorry for not responding earlier. I have no idea how 123promotion.co.uk get their data.Also - an update - as I mentioned in another thread, Google trendshttp://www.google.com/trendsis a tool that should be added to this list and has the ++point of being free!