Q:cms Tools For Use With Flash


Staff member
Hi<br />I want to implement a news section for a flash site I am working on. In order to easily update the news I want to use a CMS tool that ouputs an XML rss feed. <br /><br />Requirements include<br />1)easy to use and implement<br />2) free (or at least inexpensive<br />3)web based so the news can be updated from anywhere<br />3)not a requirement by open source mean it will benefit from contant development<br /><br />Applications I have been considering include Magnolia (magnolia.info) and webgui (plainblack.com/)<br /><br />Also of course Movable type<br /><br />Can anyone offer some suggestions?<br /><br />Thanks in advance!<br />Jim Bachalo<!--content-->
Almost any blogging software today outputs an RSS feed.<!--content-->