Putting the positive spin on secretdeveloper.com?


New Member
I purchased a domain name less than a month ago, and instead of splurging on a different one and subsequently having my wife upset at me for wasting money, I simply have a concern. The domain in question is: SecretDeveloper.com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.secretdeveloper.com">http://www.secretdeveloper.com</a><!-- m -->) (future site, simply placeholder atm) Backstory: I work for a company that I'm in the process of leaving. It's one of those 2 person companies, where one is the boss and the other is me. Well, let's just say that being customer support + development + upgrader + new system designer + new system creator + occasional user trainer + cleanup crew simply is not my cup of tea(due to lower pay & zero benefits). So I found this set of forums, and have thought about doing some sidework whilst I also seek a new job, simply to allow me abit more freedom with that which I enjoy, as well as providing income for my family. Here comes the problem. The domain I registered looks to have been done with an idea to hide from the boss, if you will. Anyone that has ever worked with a control centric individual can tell you that it's possible to happen without realization. So now, I've got SecretDeveloper.com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.secretdeveloper.com/">http://www.secretdeveloper.com/</a><!-- m -->) and I would like to use this as a primary site for my services. I am just having trouble trying to bring it into the light as far as positive spin goes. It's not my intention to hide from things, so this is turning out to be a quandry. I'm a hardworking individual who doesn't want to hide behind a facade but create a new way to see this term. I'm not conniving, I'm truthful. I don't desire to hide, but it happened, and right now I have no way of going back. Registering another domain is out of the question as well. I'd probably only do that if I could unload this one, and I really think I can make this work, I just need a good foundation to build this site from, instead of the negatives that I've run into in my head. Any help would be much appreciated.