put img tag inside the top right corner of a div


New Member
I'd like to put a tag (linked image) in the top right corner of an existing div.I've found a way to put an image as the background with no-repeat, but then, I cannot link the image. What CSS shall I use?This is what I do have now:\[code\]<div id="footer"> some multi-line commercial text content</div>\[/code\]and the css:\[code\]#footer { line-height:18px; position:absolute; bottom:-230px; left:0; width:280px; }#footer span { font-size:16px; display:block; }\[/code\]The icon I want to put there and link is \[code\]43x38\[/code\] size. The footer div is \[code\]280x186\[/code\] size (in the google chrome webmaster stuff (whatever it's called).