Pulling remote html page


New Member
Is there some way for me to pull a page from a site on a different server and parse that information with ASP+?Hey Ben,<BR><BR>If I am reading your question correctly you are essentially talking about screen scraping. There are a few resources that show samples of this so I will spare you the gory details. below are some links I think you should check out:<BR><BR>http://www.aspng.com/learn/nethttp.aspx<BR>http://www.aspng.com/quickstart/aspplus/doc/htmlscraping.aspx<BR>http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?URL=/library/techart/PDC_websvc.htm<BR><BR>Hope this helps,<BR><BR>Don R. Wolthuis, MCSD<BR>CodeJunkies.Net / ASPNextGen.com<BR>[email protected]<BR>http://www.CodeJunkies.net<BR>http://www.ASPNextGen.com