OK I have two sql tables I need to query from which are \[code\]product\[/code\] and \[code\]product_to_category\[/code\]\[code\]product\[/code\] looks like
\[code\]product_to_category\[/code\] looks like
I am trying to query both the tables so that I can select all that are in a certain category number, which is in \[code\]product_to_category\[/code\], but also select all that have a status of 1, which determines if they are active or not. I am trying to do this in a single query, and so far my query looks like what is below, problem is that I am not sure how to match the \[code\]product_id\[/code\]'s together to work how I would like. Can someone give me an idea of how to do this?\[code\]mysql_query("SELECT * FROM product,product_to_category WHERE product.status = 1 AND product_to_category.category_id = 35 ORDER BY product.sort_order ASC")\[/code\]