Publish .aspx pages


Staff member

How can I publish .aspx pages on the internet?
Can I simply do it with WS_FTP or do I need some other special programm.

Is ASP.NET Web Matrix by the way a goodprogram to create .asp pages or is there a better or easier one.


FrankYou just upload the files to the final destination server... the same as anything else. The method depends on the host, some hosts are really anal and make you use an http upload, others let you use ftp clients. If you use ftp keep in mind that you can use windows exploer to do the uploading... just type the ftp address in the top address bar and you will be prompted for the pass etc, but the ftp folder will act like a normal folder. I find this easier to work with the a client myself.

Webmatrix is not ideal for asp classic no. It is fine for I guess, but I would not use it for asp classic. I personally use dreamweaver for just about everything though.