Index, Nulled.


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Code: Index.rar said:
whats the use of this mod ?

Answer is:

Your vBulletin homepage deserves a makeover! No more out-dated homepages with nothing but forums listed in a boring fashion.

Use ProvB Index to spice up your vBulletin Homepage with a powerfull, modern, sleak layout and awesome gadgets! It was no doubt that vBulletin was missing an effective solution for a Homepage.

With a new Homepage like ProvB Index, you can rise above competition using even the latest of Software!

This homepage is equipped with a number of gadgets in order to make sure you really get the best out of your website Overall - and development is always kept clean and simple for easy customization.

Also check the link that was provided to see what I just posted and more.......lazyness kills the spirit. =(
Astra-Rudra said:
any site example who is using this thing
Guys are you blind or something? You had TWO people tell you to READ THE POST.

vForums and Filez already stated.. READ THE POST.

It TELLS you what it does and GIVES U demo... how hard it is?? Also, SEARCH the product name if no info is provided.... you guys are such leechers seriously.

Don't be lazy and do some work your self. These guys already did enough work posting it for us.

Seriously.. I hope people like you get banned for being lazy.

Personally, I think FILEZ and vForums, shouldn't even reply to idiot posts that ask about demo etc...
i second don, if you don't read the post then don't reply. its simple. hell i read it before asking unless i got a problem right off the bat.
I have vb advance installed. I dont know if that is the reason but this Mod is not showing at all.

Can someone bring me the lights helping me please?
El Intocable said:
I have vb advance installed. I dont know if that is the reason but this Mod is not showing at all.

Can someone bring me the lights helping me please?

Did you see "provb_index.php"