General info:
Your vBulletin homepage deserves a makeover! No more out-dated homepages with nothing but forums listed in a boring fashion.
Use ProvB Index to spice up your vBulletin Homepage with a powerfull, modern, sleak layout and awesome gadgets! It was no doubt that vBulletin was missing an effective solution for a Homepage. With a new Homepage like ProvB Index, you can rise above competition using even the latest of Software!
This homepage is equipped with a number of gadgets in order to make sure you really get the best out of your website Overall - and development is always kept clean and simple for easy customization.
1.5.0 iNFO:
Admincp Update
With the new tab manager intact, you now have easy access to configuring your options and tabs right on your admincp sidebar with the newly added section. Check out the admin demo.
Easily Add & Manage Tabs
You can now add and manage your own tabs, with their own corresponding templates. The system is completely automated and easy to use, for those of you looking for a quick and efficient way to manage multiple tabs on your Homepage! Already built in are the existing Forums, Forum Feeder and Start a Thread tabs in which we have created for you.
Other minor updates
The options section was updated with a new option to control which tab is the first to load. A few php file edits and template edits were made for cleanup. Only effected template (other than newly added ones of course) is provb_index
More info:
Live demo:
Admin demo:
Install Guide
1. Upload files.
2. Import product
3. Rename original index.php to forum.php
4. Rename file provb_index.php to index.php
5. Login to your Admin CP and go to vBulletin Options > Forums Home Page Options > Script Name for Forum Home Page > Type in the box "forum" no quotes.
6. Test