Protecting two directories in the same application



I've got a site in which the root directory is configured as an application in IIS. Within in this site there are two sub-directories which need to be protected. The first, which we'll call "employees" contains a content managament system for employees to update their own website.

The second, which we'll call "clients" contains dowloads and documents meant only for the eyes of thier clients who have been given a username and password.

Each sub-directory will have only one username and password. In other words, all employees will use the same username and password to access "employees" and all clients will use the same password to access "clients".

I've been trying to use Forms authentication, but from what I can tell, each application is only allowed one login page. Because the nature of the content in each sub-directory is so different, I would like to have two seperate login pages. Is that possible?

If it's NOT possible, then should I be using Windows authentication? I've also been reading up on Role-based authentication, but that seems like massive over-kill for such a simple task.

Not sure what the best way is to tackle this.

Thanks!Are the files in the sub directories just aspx files? If so this can all just be done from the web.config

Windows auth might just be the way to go... especially since you only need two accounts. It would be an easy solution.