Properly Update A Timestamp's Timezone


New Member
I'm using the LastFM API to extract a user's recently listened-to tracks ( and am struggling to shift the timestamp to match my preferred timezone.I've used date_default_timezone_set at the beginning of the code, but that seems to be ignored when I use strtotime. I'm using strtotime so that I can reformat the styling of the date as Last.FM provides it.I've figured out how to manually offset to the correct time, via $date - 14400, but I'd like to understand what I'm missing and make the adjustment in the correct way. Code follows. Greatly appreciate any assistance.\[code\]<?php date_default_timezone_set('America/New York'); ?><?php $xml = simplexml_load_file("");echo '<ul>';foreach($xml->recenttracks->track as $track) { $title = $track->name; $date = $track->date; $date = strtotime($date); $date = date("F jS, g:i a e", $date); $string = '<li>'.$title.' - '.$date.'</li>'; echo $string;}echo '</ul>';?>\[/code\]