Project Help Needed


Staff member
I am looking for many a programmer or two who are interested and willing to make me a simple php script for my program. The program in which the script will be used for is called File Spree ( It is similar to Gnutella, kazza, or even Napster. Anyway, what the script needs to do is retrieve a list of online servers for output in the program. Thus, allowing the user to connect to a server of their selection. I can do whatever with the program to make the script function correctly with it. I just need the script to index servers when they are active, and remove them when they're not. Simple I think. The script should provide output providing Server Description, Max amount of users, IP, and server name. The format should be as so: <Server Name>|<Server IP>|<Server Descryption>|<Users>. That allows me to easily add the script into the program. Email me if you have a question or post if you have a suggestion, etc. Please email me if you do decide to help me. Thanks.