Hello,<BR><BR>I'm displaying a questionnaire and at the bottom of the page have two buttons; one to submit the questionnare and the other to continue on without filling it out. The form has validation on it so whichever button is pressed, validation occurs. I could simple create a client-side form button that does a redirect, but is there a way to do it on the server?<BR><BR>Something like...<BR><BR>Sub ContinueOn(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs)<BR> 'Disable all page validation<BR> Response.Redirect("http://4guysfromrolla.com")<BR>End Sub<BR><BR><asp:Button id="ContinueOn" Text="Continue" onClick="ContinueOn" runat="server"/>Doing this is a breeze with ASP.NET's form validation controls. These controls are really awesome and easy to use. See:<BR>http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/090200-1.shtml<BR><BR>and<BR><BR>http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/aspplus/doc/webvalidation.aspx<BR><BR>Happy Programming!I don't quite understand or I didn't explain myself very well.<BR>This is what I have... some code is missing obviously...<BR><BR>Sub PageSubmit(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs)<BR>If Page.IsValid Then<BR>'Do some stuff<BR>Else<BR>'Do some other stuff<BR>End If<BR>End Sub<BR><BR>Sub ContinueTo(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs)<BR>Response.Redirect("http://4guysfromrolla.com")<BR>End Sub<BR><BR><form id="questionnaire" runat="server"><BR>'Control<BR>'Validator<BR><BR>'Control<BR>'Validator<BR><BR>etc.<BR><BR>'Validation is checked when clicked<BR><asp:Button id="Submit" Text="Submit Questionnaire" onClick="PageSubmit" runat="server"/><BR><BR>I have another button..<BR><BR>'Validation is ALSO checked when clicked<BR><asp:Button id="Continue" Text="Continue On..." onClick="ContinueTo" runat="server"/><BR><BR>I guess my question is how do you put other buttons on the page that fire events but do not perform the validation?<BR><BR>I got around it by simply doing:<BR><input type="Button" value=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"Continue On..." onclick="document.location='http://4guysfromrolla.com'"><BR><BR></form>There is a CausesValidation property on server controls.<BR><BR><asp:Button id="Continue" Text="Continue On..." CausesValidation="False" onClick="ContinueTo" runat="server"/><BR><BR>Hope it helped...