Processing of user i/o form using XML/XSL


New Member
Hello all,I am working on AS/400 platform. For user input/output there is one particularformat. (Called "Subfile")Example format is like this.Opt Fieldname1 Fieldname2(salary) anycalculated field1_1_ _xml data__ _xml data__ c_______ First record__ _________ __________ _______ second record.Suppose I enter a valid option in OPT (say 1), my scripting should read theXML data loaded in fieldname1 and fieldname2 and based on business logicshould update the output in "calculated field" and fieldname2(containingXML data).Important points, I request you to let me know, are:-1) Like above display shows two records, it can be user controlled and usermay prefer to display on one page 3 or 5 or 6 any no. of records of XMLfile. Then subsequently using PageUp and Pagedown key , user should be ableto navigate through all the records.(At first stage I am not concentrating on pagin logic)2)Script code should be able to identify against which record on page userhas entered option equal to "1" to process or update that record.(This is my one of the urgent questions)3) How is it possible to design above input form having option and calculatedfield added with xml fields and display records rowwise.(This is my urgent question)4) After validating the option value and updating xml data, how is it possibleto display refreshed data.I will be highly highly thankful for an early response today on 14, oct,2000.RegardsChaoSANJAY