Problems with website using frames.


Hi...<br />
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Im building a website with Frontpage (yeah, i know, use something better...) hehe.<br />
I made a menu on the left side and the content on the right. When I use the buttons that I placed in the left frame to go to another page I have to make that page with frames to, if not the page will be without the menu frame.... <br />
I know this is basic, but im still lost....<br />
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Please help me!<br />
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Thomas<!--content-->It seems like an easy to fix basic frames problem. There is a great frames tutorial here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Sorry!!! <br />
I just realised, you're using frontpage!<br />
Well, you really shouldn't use a WYSIWYG editor for frames, so try using Notepad. <br />
(If you don't know anything about HTML, click on the htmlclinic link above, as it's great for learning basic HTML.)<br />
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[Edited by Dave Swift on 02-08-2001 at 02:49 PM]<!--content-->