Problems with transfer from GoDaddy


New Member
I have several domains with GoDaddy and I was trying to transfer them to RegisterFly.All of this domains are older then 60 days, what is the standard no-transfer period at all registrars.I recently changed the Admin registrant details of this domains to point to my actual email address; after the change I received information that this domains will not be transferable for 60 days. I receive following answer from GoDaddy:Express written objection to the transfer from the Transfer Contact. (e.g. - email, fax, paper document or other processes by which the Transfer Contact has expressly and voluntarily objected through opt-in means). The express written objection may be the result of a pending or recently completed Change of Registered Name Holder. This is an opt-in process during which the new Registered Name Holder agrees not to transfer for 60-days. This domain will be transferrable on 11/16/2006.Is the no-transfer period of 60 days after change of registrant information according to ICANN rules ? Is there any way how to shorter this period or to swith off the no-transfer option?